Nadia Kaabi-Linke's Matter Matters

"The Tunisian-Russian artist Nadia Kaabi-Linke deals with conceptual and material relationships. What kinds of combinations of fabrics, media, and signs make sense, in either a conciliatory or an upsetting way? Matter Matters outlines certain constellations of meaning and thematic concepts. Register, diagram, material details, and excerpts from the artist’s work journal help to create temporal, physical, and conceptual contexts. A laboratory notebook that pursues a visual grammar of things."


I am so honored to have been involved in Nadia Kaabi-Linke's publication Matter Matters. Edited by Timo Kaabi-Linke and including essays by Asmaa Al-Shabibi & William Lawrie, Kim Conaty, Lorenzo Fusi, Ifthikar Dadi, Elaine Ng, Falko Schmieder, and Hoor Al Qasimi, Matter Matters is a stunning exploration of Kaabi-Linke's work.  

You can get your own copy here.